Snow day!

Submitted by misty.jones on

School has been canceled for today. We will see you on Tuesday. Please be safe.


Science Day at Riverview!

Submitted by misty.jones on

Ah science day! We had so much fun. This year the older grades came down to the lower grades to share in the love for learning about science. We had such a fun experience with each other! Thank you Mr. Teuscher for helping us to organize this! Here are a few different examples of what some of the students experienced!


Ms. Aragon's 4th grade

Submitted by misty.jones on

This past Friday was Science Day at Riverview! Our class got the opportunity to go into Mrs. Grant's 2nd grade class and learn about static electricity! Together, we did some amazing experiments that helped us understand electricity. Students rubbed balloon on their hair and clothing to create static electricity, and saw how it affected other items that were positively and negatively charged! It was a blast! 


Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

To celebrate the hundredth day of school, young children all over the country sing songs, shout cheers, read books, count numbers, chant poems, make murals, and string Froot Loop necklaces.  When I was a kid, no one celebrated 100th Day.  Now it’s huge. 

Monday, Riverview students in grades 1 - 6 will celebrate the 100th day of school (Kindergarten will celebrate the 100th day on February 3rd.)