Reading Time!

Submitted by misty.jones on

During read aloud in Mrs. Harrison's this month, we have been reading this book, Two Truths and a Lie. We hear all three of the stories, discuss what could be false, and then read to find the answers. We have been learning all kinds of surprising facts about the plant and animal kingdom in an engaging way. We have even come up with a few of our own Two Truths and a Lie.


A BIG Thank You!

Submitted by misty.jones on

I would like to give a shout out to parent volunteers in the school.  I have 15 parents that give of their time one hour a week to help the students.  In my reading program I have a parent that comes an hour a day to help with my guided reading groups.  They do a shared reading with four different groups for 15 minutes, then  we rotate.  The most import thing that is happening is there is another adult in the room that are making sure the students are on task and involved with the reading process.  They are asking questions, and having discussion with the stude
