Christmas fun!

Submitted by misty.jones on

Ms. Gartner's, Ms. Linford's, Ms. Moody's, Ms. Marx's, Ms. Chambers', and Ms. McLeod's classes enjoyed making ornaments for Zions Bank.  They sang and enjoyed spreading Christmas cheer at the bank's lighting ceremony.


Mrs. McAvoy's First Grade Class

Submitted by misty.jones on
In our class, we have been working on "How-to" writing. We had 6th-grade buddies come to help us publish our final drafts. We used a program called Adobe Spark which created an online book. The students added pictures to their book and recorded himself or herself reading their book.



Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

In the spirit of Thanksgiving,  some Riverview kiddos wrote what they are thankful for.  There’s nothing more real than asking a student a serious question to see what their response will be.  Kids don’t have to try very hard to be funny-they just are.

“I’m thankful for guys!…like Spiderman guys, like Superheroes!  

“My bey blades!”

“I’m thankful for my family and Thanksgiving and even you, teacher!.”

“I’m thankful for X-Box and everyone who brings food.”

Mrs. Hollister's Fifth Grade

Submitted by misty.jones on

The fifth grade just finished our annual performance of the Wax Museum!  We have been writing biographies, memorizing parts, learning songs,and preparing costumes so we look like the person we chose to be from American history.  It was a lot of fun, and a big thank you to all of the fifth grade parents for helping us get ready, and for coming to the program.  We couldn't have done it without you!
