Caine's Arcade In Second Grade

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Riverview second graders created their very own Caine's Arcade. Students used mostly cardboard and a few other materials to create their very own arcade games. Students in the school visited the second grade classrooms and had a great time playing the arcade games. Great job second graders!

Principal Newsletter May 21st - 25th

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

I am not going to lie; the last month of school is sooo busy, teachers sometimes wish they could fast-forward to the last day of school.  When the last day comes, they want to sloooowww it down.

This year on the last day of school, we will try to make it like any other day.  We will talk to students in the halls; we will laugh at jokes we have heard twenty times, we will ask what colleagues and kiddos have planned for the summer.