Arbor Day

Submitted by amy.jensen on

Mrs. Jones’ first grade class, along with several other classes celebrated Arbor Day with the city.  As a class, we created tree/season art work to present. We were able to plant five different trees at the Russell Swenson ballpark in Spanish Fork. We had so much fun celebrating and learning about the importance of taking care of our trees and surroundings. We loved Arbor Day!

Misty Jones

Principal Newsletter May 7th - 11th

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

This week is Riverview Elementary Teacher Appreciation Week.   I truly appreciate our teachers!

Our teachers take slivers out of fingers and bad sports out of kick ball.  They know when a child has gum in his mouth even when he is not chewing.  They have sung “Happy Birthday” 657 times.

They hand over scissors with the handles up.  They can listen to one child talk about his birthday party and another talk about her sleepover and another talk about getting stitches last night-all at the same time.