Principal Newsletter March 19th -23rd

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

So much has changed since I was a kid.  When I was the students’ age, we turned the dial on phones, found books in the card catalog, waited a whole year to see The Sound of Music on TV, unfolded car maps to find directions, and painted typing mistakes with Liquid Paper.

We dropped the needle on the spinning record and hoped we’d hit the beginning of the song on the very first try, waited for the cassette to beep before turning the knob on the filmstrip projector, and changed the due date in the librarian’s stamp when she wasn’t looking.

Mrs. Albertson's 5th Grade Class

Submitted by amy.jensen on
These pictures show one of my favorite things to do with the students. They each have a chance to read some of their writing in front of the class if they choose to do so. They are able to choose a free write, quick write, or other writing assignment they have worked on! They love to share with their peers and it is a good way to see where they are at in their writing without having to read every single paper! :)


Mrs. Albertson

We Love to Read

Submitted by amy.jensen on

Several of Mrs. Moody's students have enjoyed being able to share their favorite books with Kindergarten and First Grade classes.  We love reading and being able to share our talents with the other students.  Thank you to the teachers who are making us feel so accomplished! 

Sherry Moody