Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

In the spirit of Thanksgiving,  Riverview kiddos have been writing what they are thankful for.  There’s nothing more real than asking a student a serious question to see what their response will be.  Kids don’t have to try very hard to be funny-they just are.

“I’m thankful for guys!…like Spiderman guys, like Superheroes!  

“My zebra!”

“I’m thankful  for my family and Thanksgiving and even you, teacher!.”

“I’m thankful for X-Box and everyone who brings food.”

First Grade Book Buddies

Submitted by amy.jensen on

Mrs. Thacker's sewing class at Spanish Fork Junior High delivered Book Buddies to the first grade.   Each student was excited to be able to choose a Book Buddy to have to read to at home or at school.   Thank you Mrs. Thacker's class.  We love them!  


Amy Jensen

5th Grade Wax Museum

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

The 5th graders created a wonderful Wax Museum.  5th grade students researched and summarized the lives of many people who helped shape history.  Riverview students and families were able to visit and learn about famous historical figures.  Thank you 5th grade for your time and preparation.  It was an excellent event!