Veterans Visit Riverview

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

To honor Veteran’s Day, Riverview students had the privilege to meet veterans.  The veterans introduced themselves and presented a patriotic slide show.  Mrs. Nelson led Riverview students in singing a patriotic song. We appreciate the sacrifices veterans have made so we can be free!

Second Grade Honors Veterans

Submitted by amy.jensen on

On Friday, November 10 the 2nd Graders participated in our annual "Take a Veteran To School Day" where we listened to Veterans from our families share about their experiences serving our country.  We sang "Thank You Military" to these brave heroes and gave them special thank you stars with messages written on them. Thank you to Mr. Lacrua for his service in the Marines and for all the veterans who shared their time and stories with us.  

Christy Nielson

Kindergarten's Thankful Turkey's

Submitted by amy.jensen on

The kindergarten students in Mrs. Hyer’s classes have been talking about what they are thankful for.  They colored turkeys (most of them called them chickens).  The students had to cut up the sentence “I am thankful for…” and put it back in order.  Then they had to sound out the word and try to write it. Some were thankful for their tramp, fish, cats, toy guys, and even their family! Each class got a picture by their (chickens) oops, Turkeys!

Lesa Hyer