Multiplication Monsters!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

In Mrs. Harrison's 5th grade class, we are pros at multi-digit multiplication. With the help of a student from UVU, we created our own multiplication monsters and we weren't even scared of the large multiplication problems! Math is fun!

Andrea Harrison

Team Up Against Drugs

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

On Friday, Miss. Denison's second grade class participated in Red Ribbon Week.  Students wore their favorite team shirt or jersey to "team up against drugs."  Students had a great time showing off their favorite team throughout the day.

Amazing Mathematicians!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

In 4th grade, Miss Curtis' students have been learning about factors and multiples in math.  With a partner, they created a poster to show all of the factors of a number.  They are amazing mathematicians!

Hannah Curtis