Now Seeking Interest!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Are you interested in chairing or co-chairing a PTA committee?  The PTA is seeking a committee chair for the following positions: Fundraiser Chairperson, Reflections Contest Chairperson, and Red/Green Ribbon Safety Week Chairperson.   Please take a look, talk to friends who may want to volunteer with you, and let us know where you might like to contribute your talents and time.  Questions? Email:  



Open House for 2017-2018 School Year

Submitted by angela.killian on

Welcome Back!  We hope you all had a fine vacation and are looking forward with enthusiasm to the new school year. 

A new school year presents opportunities for various classes, new faces, and new teachers.

We cordially invite you to attend Riverview Elementary's Open House on Monday, August 21st from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Come rub your hand across your clean desk, show off your back-to-school haircut, and meet your teacher and classmates.