Good Citizen = Good Karaoke!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Riverview students participated in the Good Citizen Reward. Students were able to participate in karaoke singing with their grade level classmates. Students even got a special performance from Mrs. Killian, Mrs. Porter, and Mrs. Nielson! Congratulations Riverview students on having great citizenship for Term 1!

Happy Veterans Day!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

In honor of Veterans Day, Riverview students place pictures of Veterans in the hallway. Students love being able to share their Veteran with others. As students look at the pictures, they are reminded of the many amazing people who serve our country. Thank you Mrs. Raeann Nelson for organizing this important reminder every year! Riverview would like to wish you a happy Veterans Day! 

Veterans Visit Riverview

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

To honor Veteran’s Day, Riverview students had the privilege to meet veterans.  The veterans introduced themselves and presented a patriotic slide show.  Mrs. Nelson led Riverview students in singing a patriotic song. There was also a surprise visit for several of our very own Riverview students! A father recently returned from Iraq and surprised his three children! We appreciate the sacrifices veterans have made so we can be free!

Mejken Lacrua