Rally In Red

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

On Thursday, Mrs. Cook's first grade class participated in Red Ribbon Week.  Students wore as much red as possible for "rally in red."  It was so much fun to see all of the red throughout the school!

Amy Cook

Mrs. Nelson is Making a Mark and Making It Matter!

Submitted by angela.killian on

True leaders have real confidence; know how to work well with others; can endure through challenges; and will stick to a job until it gets done.  Let me introduce you to Mrs. RaeAnn Nelson who is a true leader.   She is the Music Specialist and the 4-H coordinator at Riverview.  

Mrs. Nelson is making her mark by inspiring and motivating students to achieve great things.  She spends countless hours writing grants, arranging classes, teaching music, and changing lives!  Thank you Mrs. Nelson!

Sock It To Drugs

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

On Wednesday, Mrs. Chambers' third grade class participated in Red Ribbon Week.  Students had crazy or mismatched socks on for “sock it to drugs.” Students had a great time showing off their crazy socks as they walked!

Bethany Chambers