Celebrating Constitution Day!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Mrs. LeMmon's third grade class learned about the constitution and how it protects all Americans in order to keep us safe and free. The students then wrote their own constitution that contained rules that we need at school in order to be safe and learn. Happy Constitution Day!

Michele LeMmon

Early Out Day

Submitted by angela.killian on

This upcoming Monday, September 19th will be an early out day.  School will dismiss at noon.  Lunch will be served an hour early, beginning at 10:10 am.

Dot Day!

Submitted by angela.killian on

Dot Day is all about encouraging each other to discover how we can make a difference.  Students are encouraged to "just make a mark and see where it takes you."  One simple act, one simple change of thinking, can snowball into something big.

What we want Riverview students to learn is: