4th Grade Egg Drop

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

The 4th grade classes at Riverview demonstrated their understanding of the scientific method with an egg drop.  The goal was to not let their egg crack after being dropped off the roof of the school.  Students built their own projects in hopes of keeping their egg safe.  Students took notes on the process of the scientific method. The students enjoyed watching their eggs fall from the roof to see if they would survive.  

June Lopez

Make A Mark, Make It Matter

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Mrs. Killian introduced our Make A Mark, Make It Matter theme for the 2016-2017 school year. Students read "The Dot" and learned how everyone can be an influence for good and make a good mark in someone's life.  Students surprised Mrs. Killian by using their painted thumb to make a dot on a music scale to show that they will Make A Mark and Make It Matter this school year. 

Mejken Lacrua

Love and Logic Classes

Submitted by angela.killian on

Dates: Sept. 29th, Oct. 6th, 13th

When: 5:00-7:00 pm

Where: Riverview Elementary - Call office to sign-up

$12.00 per couple, book included

Taught by Karen Smith & Jenn Moxon; School Counselors

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