Science Fair

Submitted by amy.nelson on

Science Fair time!  There was a great turnout with many wonderful projects.  These students worked hard thinking of a question, putting it to the test, and sharing their discoveries with us as a school.  Great job, participants!!

Here are the winners!!

1. Ethan Barclay2. Bela Balser3. Daxton Davis & Tyson McNeil4. Jason McConnell5. Wyatt Evans6. Brooklynn Harris 7. Kelina Anderson8. Ethan Oyler9. Chandler Wills10. Racquel Whatcott
Sharla Thomas

White Ribbon Week

Submitted by amy.nelson on

White Ribbon week is going on at Riverview.  Students are learning about how to safely navigate the Worldwide web.  The week is sponsored by the PTA and includes a whole bunch of fun activities to help students remember important tips about how to stay safe.  Students will be collecting tickets for their participation and will be able to put their tickets into a drawing for fun prizes at the end of the week!  Today's message was to remember to only talk to people we know well while online.  Sometimes people pretend to be who they're not.

5th Grade Super Bowl Reading Challenge

Submitted by amy.nelson on

The results of 5th grade's recent Super Reading Bowl Challenge for the month of January!  For each 30 minutes read, parents sign a paper football to be brought back to school. Each class is divided into two teams and the team with the most footballs at the end of the month wins! The picture includes the Outstanding Valuable Reader from each class. These students are the top readers, one from each class. Congratulations!!

Charles Hanosek

Mrs. Jarvis' Nifty Fifty

Submitted by amy.nelson on

Mrs. Jarvis was surprised today on her 50th birthday with her faculty and students wearing black and an office donned in black balloons and decorations.  Riverwiew wanted to make it an extra special birthday for her.  Classes wrote cards, sang songs, and Mrs. Jarvis even gave each student a birthday treat, true to form of an elementary school birthday.  Happy Birthday Mrs. Jarvis!!!  We love you!

Michelle Roberts