Thanksgiving Feasts

Submitted by amy.nelson on

Mrs. Barnett's class participated in their annual Thanksgiving Feast just before the holiday break.  What a fun way to learn about the first Thanksgiving by making fun crafts and eating good food with classmates!

Bunny Barnett

Revisiting the 80s

Submitted by amy.nelson on

The PTA hosted a Mother and Son 80s Party where they were able to show the boys what life was like back then!  Check out the rad outfits!  Like, a gnarly time was had by all!

Heidi Messenger

2nd Grade Hosts 4th Annual “Take a Veteran to School" Day

Submitted by amy.nelson on

Riverview 2nd Grade classes partnered with the History Channel for a celebration of our veterans for Veterans' Day.  Students invited family members or friends  who serve or have served in the military to visit our classrooms.  The veterans spoke about their duties and what branch of the military they belonged to.  They showed photos and uniforms and told stories of their duties and places they served.