Dr. Seuss Week Celebration!

Submitted by misty.jones on

Dr. Seuss Activities week of Read-a-Thon:

  • 2nd – Hats off to Dr. Seuss: Wear your favorite hat
  • 3rd – Green Eggs and Ham: Wear Green!
  • 4th – Wacky Wednesday: Wear your hair wacky or like a Who
  • 5th – Fox in Sox: Wear your favorite socks
  • 6th – Sleep Book: This is Read-a-thon day so make sure to wear your pajamas!

Mrs. Prestwich's Class

Submitted by misty.jones on

Mrs. Prestwich's class is learning how to do research. We chose an animal. Then we read a book and took notes about our animals. Now we are going to use our research to write a report on what we learned. Learning about animals is so much fun!


Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

Once upon a time, the purpose of children’s books was to model good behavior.  Books were meant to encourage young readers to be what parents wanted them to be, and the children in the pages were well behaved, properly dressed and never shed a tear. 

Dr. Seuss ignored those rules and he changed children’s books with his vocabulary, his nonsense, his wit.  His birthday is Monday, March 2nd.  I wanted to share some of my favorite Dr. Seuss quoteisms.

Teacher Tuesday!

Submitted by misty.jones on

                   Say Hello To Mrs. McAvoy


On the weekend, she likes to hang out with her son and husband. She also likes to read and play Nintendo Switch.

If you could have lunch with any fictional character, who would it be?

Harry Potter

Who was your favorite teacher and why? 
