September 2019

Mrs. Jensen's First Grade

Submitted by misty.jones on

Mrs. Jensen's class has been learning about being a bucket filler and not a bucket dipper.  We have learned that each of us has an invisible bucket.  When we do nice things for people we are filling their bucket.  When we do not so nice things we are dipping into the other person's bucket.  When our bucket is full, we feel great.  When it's empty, we feel awful.  We all want to be a bucket filler!  


Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

When I was a student in elementary school, I remember a teacher who had minimal patience when it came to teaching students new things.  He would get frustrated if students didn't 'get it' after one lesson.  He thought we weren't really trying.  

Teachers ask students to learn some pretty difficult concepts; how to read, multiply, and become persuasive writers.…I mean, why didn’t anyone tell me before I had children that I would have to live my homework nightmares all over again?

As a School.....

Submitted by misty.jones on

We are learning to be determined and  to keep trying even though things get hard! Our learner power we are are working on is “to be determined” in our learning, just like Spike Spider.


Our Community

Submitted by misty.jones on

We were excited to have a visit from our first responders on 9-11.  We had some great lessons about what they do and how they contribute to our community.  Our second grade was really excited to be a part of this day. 


Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

This year I am celebrating my thirtieth year in education. 

You know, kids today are not different than the kids I taught when I first started.  The gadgets they play with have changed, not the children.  Kids are kids are kids.

They will ask for an ice pack when they don’t really need it.  They will always ask if they can go to the office for more ice once the first bag of ice melts.

When your stomach growls, they will tell you.