Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment


Why will kids ask ten times when recess is but then want to stay in for the whole break to organize markers?

Why do kids forget where to indent in a letter but remember the name of my guinea pig I had when I was in the third grade, and why my dad washed my mouth out with soap when I was eight?

Why do kids write “THE END” so big?

Why do kids know precisely how many days, hours, and minutes are left till their birthdays but still ask, “When’s lunch?”

Why do kids complain when they have to run in P.E., but can run around the neighborhood for three straight hours while wearing a refrigerator box on Halloween night?

Why is it that kids can’t see that there are no periods or capitals in their four-page story but notice that I have something green in my teeth?

Why do kids just stare at me and say nothing when they run into me in the grocery store?

Why is it that no other job will bring as much enjoyment, frustration, excitement, sadness, contentment, worry, delight, sleepless nights, and joy as being a teacher? 

I love being a teacher!

Learner Animal Characters

This month we are focusing on the ‘Self-Aware’ learner power.   Rocky Raven is the animal who helps us learn what being self-aware feels like.  Meet Rocky Raven.  He lives in a large tree in a wooded area.  He likes where he lives.  He eats during the day and roosts in his nest at night.   He looks different from other birds in the woods.  He has a thick neck, shaggy throat feathers, and a curved beak.  Rocky doesn’t let looking different ruffle his feathers.  Rocky Raven isn’t afraid to learn, he isn’t afraid to stretch his brain to figure out problems.  In fact, I would call him Remarkable Rocky Raven. He’s learned to not compare himself to other birds and doesn’t worry what other birds think.  He wants to build his learning capacity so when he feels like things are hard, he decides to be brave and does not give up.  He thinks about the things he knows and uses them to figure out his problem.  Because Rocky is self-aware, he has learned to talk like parrots, and point with his feathers, he is brave and never stops learning.

When you are Self-Aware like Rocky Raven, you...

  • Feel proud of your achievements
  • Feel your neurons connecting
  • Imagine your intelligence growing by the minute!
  • Are creative
  • Let your imagination go
  • Use what you have learned in real life
  • Know that you can do it, if you practice

SEP Conferences

SEP Conferences will be held Thursday, October 24th from 3:15 p.m. - 8:45 PM.  You will be getting an email from SignUpGenius.  This email will allow you to visit the website, find your child’s teacher (s), and sign-up for the time that is most convenient to your individual schedule.  Parents, if you find a need to change your appointment the day of conferences, please contact the teacher so he/she is aware of the change.  Thank you.


There are many positions and committees in the PTA that need to be filled. Many helpers make light work. Plus you can get to know new people and make new friends. See link below to sign up! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d4fa9a82faafa7-2019

A look ahead:

  • Spirit Day/Popcorn Friday – October 4th
  • BookFair – October 21st – 25th

PTA Book Fair

The PTA book fair – Oct. 21st – 25th

  • Before school – 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
  • During lunch – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • After school – 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Monday 2:15-3:00, Thursday 3:00 – 8:00 p.m., Friday-closed)

Family fun night at book fair – Thursday, October 24th from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  Come for fun games, prizes, and to find some wonderful books!!!


Riverview Elementary PTA presents the Reflections contest.  Express yourself through art; Literature, Visual Arts, Dance, 3-D Art, and Photography.   The 2019-2020 Theme:  “Look Within.”  Have students pick up an entry form from their teacher or at the office.  

Red Ribbon Week

We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week October 28th – Nov. 1st.  Red Ribbon Week serves as a vehicle for communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of our children through a commitment to drug prevention and education and a personal commitment to live drug free lives. Listed are some of the activities that we will be involved in.

  • Monday, October 28th - "Don't let drugs turn you inside out"

*Wear clothes inside out

*Pass out Red/Green Ribbons

TIP OF THE DAY:  Superheroes not only save others from dangerous choices, like drugs, but they keep themselves healthy as well.  Be your own superhero by exercising daily (like walking or biking to school), eating more fruits and vegetables and putting fewer toxic things in your body, which takes away your ability to be a superhero.  Don't forget to dress up as your favorite superhero tomorrow.

  • Tuesday, October 29th - "Be a Hero, Not a Zero"

*Dress like your real-life hero or a superhero

TIP OF THE DAY:  Stop every time at the edge of the street

Use your head before your feet

Make sure you hear every sound

Look left and right and all around

Fact is there are a lot of distracted drivers out there

So be alert and always aware

  • Wednesday, October 30th - ""Sock it to Drugs" and "Watch your step"

*Wear crazy or mismatched socks

*Walk to school day

TIP OF THE DAY: Be safe, be smart, be seen.  Make sure drivers can see you.  Wearing bright colors can help drivers see you when you’re walking or riding your bike to school. You can wear a colorful scarf or tie a bright ribbon on your backpack.

  • Thursday, October 31st “Say BOO! to drugs"

*Dress up in Halloween costume

TIP OF THE DAY:  One way to "rally" against drugs is to be friends with people who make healthy choices and show good character.  Be a friend that makes good choices every day. 

  • Friday, November 1st - “Rally in Red"

*Wear as much RED as possible

Riverview Elementary PTA presents the Reflections contest.  Express yourself through art; Literature, Visual Arts, Dance, 3-D Art, and Photography.   The 2019-2020 Theme:  “Look Within.”  Have students pick up an entry form from their teacher or at the office.  

Halloween Parade

We will have a Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31st at 9:00 a.m.  The parade will start at the school, cross the street to the sports park, circle around the softball fields and return back to the school.  In case of inclement weather the parade will be canceled.

Upcoming Events

  • Oct. 3rd – Thanksgiving Point presentation too 3rd grade
  • Oct. 4th – PTA popcorn Friday/Spirit Day
  • Oct. 8th – Student Council Conference
  • Oct. 17th – 18th – FALL BREAK – No School
  • Oct. 20th – 25th – PTA Bookfair
  • Oct. 22nd – School Picture Make-up Day
  • Oct. 24th – SEP Conferences – 3:15-8:45 p.m./Family Night at Bookfair
  • Oct. 28th – 4th grade at Symphony
  • Oct. 29th – Make Your Mark Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
  • Oct. 28th – Nov. 1st – Red Ribbon Week
  • Oct. 31st - Halloween

Thank you,

Mrs. Angie Killian

Principal, Riverview Elementary