Veterans Visit Riverview

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

To honor Veteran’s Day, Riverview students had the privilege to meet veterans.  The veterans introduced themselves and presented a patriotic slide show.  Mrs. Nelson led Riverview students in singing a patriotic song. We appreciate the sacrifices veterans have made so we can be free.

Captain of the Month

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Riverview is proud to announce October's Captains of the Month. Riverview faculty members selected and wrote the following about Mrs. Covington and Ms. Sivak. Mrs. Covington goes above and beyond when helping people in need. Ms. Sivak does a great job helping faculty with technology and writing grants. Congratulations! Thank you for everything you do for Riverview!

Mejken Lacrua

Safety First!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Riverview had a fun and entertaining safety assembly. Students were reminded that signs are here to keep us safe and we should know what the signs mean. Students were able to participate in the assembly by showing others how to be safe. Remember to be safe!

Bethany Chambers, Mejken Lacrua

Say Boo To Drugs!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

On Friday, Mrs. Jensen's first grade class dressed in their Halloween costumes for Red and Green Ribbon Week.  Wearing their Halloween costumes was a reminder for all students to say Boo to drugs.

Rally In Red

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

On Thursday, Mrs. Jarvis' fourth grade class participated in Red and Green Ribbon Week.  Students wore as much red as possible for "rally in red."  It was so much fun to see all of the red throughout the school!

Sock It To Drugs

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

On Wednesday, Mrs. Chambers' third grade class participated in Red and Green Ribbon Week.  Students had crazy or mismatched socks on for “sock it to drugs.” Many students also participated in “watch your step” by walking to school.  Students had a great time showing off their crazy socks as they walked!

Be A Hero, Not A Zero!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

On Tuesday, Mrs. Reid's second grade class participated in "Be a hero, not a zero" for Red and Green Ribbon Week. Students dressed up like their real life hero or a super hero. Students were definately not a Zero on Hero Day! 

Don't Let Drugs Turn You Inside Out!

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Mrs. Mathis and Mrs. Lacrua's third grade class participated in Red and Green Ribbon Week.  Today was “Don’t let drugs turn you inside out.” Students had so much fun wearing their clothes inside out for the day. We are excited for the themes for the rest of the week! 

Tuesday:  “Be a hero, not a zero.”  Dress up like your real life hero or a super hero.