Red Rally Day

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

For Red and Green Ribbon Week, Riverview students enjoyed wearing red to school on Monday.   Students attended an assembly where they were encouraged to "Get up! Stand up! Speak out for a healthy life!"  Students recieved red and green ribbons to help them remember to strive for a healthy life.  We are excited for the activities during Red and Green Ribbon Week.  

Mejken Lacrua

Egg Drop

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

The 4th grade classes at Riverview were able to demonstrate their understanding of the scientific method by building their own project to keep their raw egg from cracking after being dropped off the roof of the school. The students enjoyed watching their eggs fall from the roof to see if they would survive.

Katelyn Hansen

6th Grade Orchestra Concert

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Riverview 6th graders had an orchestra concert.  Cheryl Wangsgard, Riverview's orchestra teacher, brought a talented fiddle player, Jessica Knight, to perform for our 6th graders and get them excited about learning an instrument. 

Sharla Thomas, Melissa Jorgensen

6th Grade Flag Ceremony

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

In honor of 9/11 and Constitution Day, Riverview students participated in a patriotic flag ceremony.  The Color Guard was composed of sixth grade Boy Scouts.  They presented the flag and led the school in the Pledge of Allegiance.  The sixth grade classes sang a patriotic song.  The ceremony was recorded and is on SFCN Channel 17 and is on the Where Are We Wednesday page of the Nebo School District website.  


Melissa Jorgensen, Sherry Moody, Amy Jensen