Principal Moment
Welcome back, Riverview students, families and teachers, to 2022! We hope you all were able to have wonderful celebrations with family and friends these past few months. Despite challenges over the past year, there are always splendid things to celebrate!
January is a great time to talk about goal setting with students and Riverview students are setting some great goals for the upcoming year: “I will learn to read good.”, “My resolution is being nicer to people and get more baskets in basketball.”, “I want to be with my big sister because she is always busy.”, “This year my goal is to be nicer to my big brothers. I picked this goal because I want to be a better sister. I can achieve my goal by saying I am sorry and doings things that they want to do to.”, “This year my goal is exercise every day. I picked this goal because I want to be healthier. I can achieve my goal by working out.”
If you are trying to generate ideas for personal goals for the upcoming year, just ask a child. Children are constantly reminding us of what is important…spend more time reading, building relationships with the ones we love and exercise to feel good.
SEP Conferences
SEP Conferences will be held Thursday, January 13th from 3:15-8:45 PM. Sign-up up by clicking on the link: Riverview SEP Sign Up Page
There will be no school for students on Friday, January 14th and Monday, January 17th.
Make Your Mark Assembly – January 13th @ 9:00
The purpose of the assembly is to recognize our Students of the Month. Students are recognized for using the Learner Powers and positive behavior.
Our next School Community Council meeting will be held on January 18th at 3:15 in the conference room.
Now that the holidays are behind us, we come to the heart of our school year. Teachers are conscientiously teaching the core content that students should know in each grade level. Soon students will be demonstrating their learning as they will be participating in our Middle of Year Acadience testing.
Please help students do their best to be well rested and on time to school. With the many viruses and illnesses that accompany the winter months, please encourage good eating, sleeping habits, and hand washing. If your child is showing symptoms of illness, please keep them at home until symptoms subside.
Good Citizenship Reward - Peter Pan at Spanish Fork High School
It is nearly time for our second term good citizen reward. Riverview students will be walking to Spanish Fork High School to see the play, Peter Pan, on Friday, January 21st from 9:00 – 11:30. Lunch will be served at school. Please look for a permission form to be available at SEP conferences. Congratulations Riverview Good Citizens!
Science Fair
We would like to thank Mr. Teuscher for leading our school science fair. The fair will be January 28, 2022. If you would like to have your child participate, please contact the office or lynn.teuscher [at] (lynn[dot]teuscher[at]nebo[dot]edu).
PTA Events
- Popcorn Friday – Friday, January 7th. Students’ who have a birthday in the month of January will receive a free bag of popcorn. Students may also purchase up to four bags of popcorn. Each bag is .25 cents.
- Spirit Friday – Show your school spirit! School spirit day is each Friday but the first Friday of each month is set aside for class competition. Wear your school shirts and/or school colors (maroon and black). The class with the most school spirit wins a treat.
- Box Tops – Make a difference for Riverview every time you shop. Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add cash to Riverview’s earnings online.
We need you!! Becoming a member of the PTA shows that you want to help support the programs and events that help enhance students’ experiences at Riverview. It doesn’t obligate you to attend the PTA meeting or volunteer. While we would love for everyone to attend, we understand families are busy during the school year and have other important commitments. Membership is $7.00.
- Reflection contest
- Red/Green Ribbon Week
- White Ribbon Week
- Spirit Days
- Book Fairs
- Classroom Help
- Room Parents/Classroom parties
- Yearbook
- SEP dinners for the teachers
- Popcorn Friday
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- PTA Fundraiser
- And more…
Cold Weather
Cold weather is upon us. Children should arrive at school dressed for the weather so they may safely and comfortably enjoy activities both inside and outside. All healthy children are expected to go outside during lunch recess, except when weather conditions are extreme. If you desire that your
Love and Logic
Nebo School District in partnership with Spanish Fork City presents a virtual Love and Logic Parenting Workshop.
“There's a lot of advice out there on how to raise your kids – some better than others. ‘Love and Logic’ is a favorite of therapists, family life educators, teachers, principals, and most importantly parents. It is practical, easy to learn, and really effective! Come and enjoy this fun, upbeat, and informative workshop full of useful tips!” – Jonathan Sherman, LMFT, Family Therapist and Parent Educator
Where: Online via Zoom
Dates: Mondays - January 24, & 31, and February 7, (all three for the full course)
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Cost: Provided Free by Nebo School District in Partnership with Spanish Fork City.
Manuals are $12 each and can be purchased with card, cash, or check made out to Nebo School District. They are available at Nebo School District Office in Student Services, top floor, south entrance.
This class will be capped at 50 participants. To sign up, email aubree.judkins [at] (aubree[dot]judkins[at]nebo[dot]edu) with your:
- Name
- Email (This is where the Zoom link will be sent for the class.)
- School in Nebo School District where your student(s) attends.
Thank you, again, for the rich and inspiring support you bring to our school community. Our school could not be successful without your input and team effort. We are proud of our students, teachers, school, and community strength. Together we will continue to educate our youth and prosper in the new and promising New Year.
Upcoming Events
- January 6th – Spirit Friday, Popcorn Friday, Fire Drill
- January 13th – Make Your Mark Assembly @ 9:00, SEP Conferences from 3:15 – 8:45 p.m.
- January 14th – No School for students
- January 17th – No School
- January 18th – 1st day of Third Term, SCC at 3:15 p.m.
- January 21st – Good Citizenship Reward – Walking to SFHS to see Peter Pan 9:00-11:30
- January 28th – Riverview Science Day
Thank you,
Mrs. Angie Killian, Principal of Riverview