Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

This year I am celebrating my thirtieth year in education. 

You know, kids today are not different than the kids I taught when I first started.  The gadgets they play with have changed, not the children.  Kids are kids are kids.

They will ask for an ice pack when they don’t really need it.  They will always ask if they can go to the office for more ice once the first bag of ice melts.

When your stomach growls, they will tell you. 

When they run to tell you that they just kicked the ball over the fence or on the roof, they will always smile when they announce it.

Hand them a straw and they’ll blow bubbles in the milk carton.  Hand out name tags with the sticky backs and somebody will immediately put the name tag over his mouth.

When they like your outfit, they tell you.  When they don’t like your outfit, they tell you.  When you wear the same outfit in one week, they tell you.

When you walk down the hall in the morning, someone will slip her hand into yours.

Would I trade this life of giggles and stories and honesty and runny noses and chairs that are too small to sit in?  Not in a million years.  And though there are days when I’d rather not deal with throw-up and reminding students to walk in the halls, I know that someday when I’m retired I will look back on all this and itch to wash a lunchroom table, or pump up a ball, and hear a good knock-knock joke.

School Pictures

Picture Day is tomorrow, September 13th, 2019.  If your child is absent tomorrow you haven’t missed the opportunity for school pictures.  Picture retake/Make-Up day is Tuesday, October 22nd.

Early Release

All students in Nebo School District will be dismissed early on Monday.  The dismissal bell at Riverview will ring at 12:00 p.m.  Teachers will be attending district wide training.

Constitution Day

Wednesday, September 17th is Constitution Day.  We encourage students to wear clothing that is red, white, and blue. 

Learner Animal Characters

This month we are going to focus on the ‘Be Determined’ learner power.   Spike Spider is the animal who helps us learn what being determined feels like.  Meet Spike Spider.  Spike is a spunky spider who has stickability.  He doesn’t give up and keeps trying until he reaches the top. Spike woke up one sunny day determined  to climb the water spout.  He began his climb, spinning sticky webs back and forth as he carefully climbed the spout.  But then the weather changed from sunny to rainy.  Down came the rain and went all down the water spout.  Spike found it hard to hang on and he slipped.  Down and down he fell further and further.  Then with a plonk he fell to the ground soaking wet and exhausted.  Did he sulk?  Did he slink away?  Nope!  He never lets setbacks get in his way.  Spike waited.  The sun came out a few hours later and he began his climb back up the water spout.   He doesn’t give up and keeps trying until he reaches the top.  Be like Spike Spider.  Keep trying.  Keep climbing until you make it to the top and finally get to say “Hooray, I Get This Now.”  

School Community Council (SCC)

I would like to announce the parent board for our school community council:

  • Laura Olsen
  • Michelle Marziale
  • Shannon Bennett
  • Jen Dahl
  • Melissa Oldham

Perks Program

Riverview has joined with Macey’s to help schools give back to our community.  Last year Riverview received a check for over $700 from Macey’s.    In order to join the program from Macey’s, please follow these easy steps.

  1. Log into your Macey's Perks account athttp://maceys.com/perks
  2. Select the "Nonprofits" tab
  3. Press the "select" button next to the school or charity you would like to link to your account.

Once your account is linked, you can view which school your account is linked to by logging into your Macey's Perks account at http://maceys.com/perks and selecting the "Nonprofits" tab or while shopping, ask a team member at the Macey’s customer service booth.


Box Tops Competition; September 23rd – 27th.  Please send your unexpired, clipped along the dotted lines, box tops turned into your child’s teacher.  You can download a “box tops bonus app” onto your phone and earn extra box tops for our school. 

Upcoming Events

  • Sept 13th – School Pictures
  • Sept 16th – School dismissed at noon. District training for all teachers.
  • Sept 17th – Constitution Day; School Community Council Mtg. @ 3:15 p.m.
  • Sept 18th – 4th grade Native American Presentation
  • Sept 23rd – 27th – PTA Box Tops for Education Competition
  • Sept 24th – Earthquake Drill
  • Sept 25th – Bus Evacuation Drill (bus students only)

Have a great week,

Mrs. Angie Killian, Principal