Swim Day Cancelled

Submitted by angela.killian on

ATTENTION: We received a call this morning from Spanish Fork City.  The Spanish Fork Waterpark will NOT be open tomorrow due to a delayed Health Department Inspection.  I apologize to all that we will not be able to swim tomorrow.  We have been able to come up with an alternate activity. 

  • 4th-6th - water kickball, sprinklers, and sidewalk chalk
  • 1st-3rd - nature scavenger walk on the river trail 
  • Picnic in the back with everyone
  • 1st-3rd-water kickball, sprinklers, and sidewalk chalk
  • 4th - 6th - nature scavenger walk on the river trail. 
Students will need:
  1. Sunscreen, hat, walking shoes
  2. Swim suit or water wear.  Swim suits need to be school appropriate. 
  3. Home lunch if they planned on it, sack lunch for those who ordered it from the lunchroom. 

We will pass out Popsicles to everyone at 1:30