January 2018

Principal Newsletter January 29th - February 2nd

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

Did you ever wonder where the Boy Who Cried Wolf went to school?   About ten years ago, he was in my first grade class.  He usually talked with his fingers crossed behind his back.  About once a week, he would walk up to me and point to the sky, or my shoes, or my hair and scream, “Mrs. Killian, look!”  I would look and he would shout, “You looked!”  And laugh.  It was the highlight of his day.

Some days, I would refuse to look and this would drive him crazy.

Principal Newsletter January 22nd - 26th

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

To celebrate the hundredth day of school, young children all over the country sing songs, shout cheers, read books, count numbers, chant poems, make murals, and string Froot Loop necklaces.  When I was a kid, no one celebrated 100th Day.  Now it’s huge.  On Monday, January 29th, Riverview 1st-6th grades will have been in school for 100 days.  

Mental Health Parent Awareness Nights

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Nebo School District will be hosting a series of Parent Awareness Nights. The topics of discussion will include mental health and safety planning with youth. Several community service providers will be present to answer question and help individuals to access services. See the event flyer for more information.

Riverview Olympics

Submitted by amy.jensen on

Our school rocks!  Last week our entire school celebrated the 2018 Winter Olympics by participating in our own Winter Games.  We played hockey, we raced in speed skating, and danced to some tunes in figure skating.  We also lit the torch and had medals presented to each student.  What a great time.  

Matt Jenkins

Principal Newsletter January 16th-19th

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

When I was in teacher school, I learned a lot about how to teach the different subjects.  But most of what I know about teaching reading, I’ve learned from students.

My students taught me that when inviting children to the reading rug, it is much more exciting when the teacher hides a book behind her back than when she pulls it off the shelf.

They taught me that after gathering kids on the carpet – no matter how many times you say crisscross applesauce – someone in the front row will always sit on her knees.

Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King!

Submitted by amy.jensen on

This week we celebrated Mr. King's birthday. We learned that his voice and dream was the most important for equal rights. Our class made a collage by using oil pastels and then traced our hand prints. The signed hand prints symbolize that we will strive for love and peace. We even discussed how we can bring love and peace into our classrooms and homes. The students came up with fantastic ideas. Such as, helping others, saying you're sorry, don't argue, include everyone, fill someone else's bucket, and last, leave the last treat in the fridge for someone else.

Sherilyn Woodhouse

How to Build a Snowman

Submitted by amy.jensen on

We are working on How-To writing in class. We discussed how-to-make a snowman. The students and I talked about what we needed to do first, next, then, and last. I had a model that  we wrote together and the students could change theirs to how they wanted. Then we we made a snow globe out of paper and built our snowmen inside.

Heather Parrish