Riverview Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by angela.killian on

Principal Moment

It is the time of year teachers need to put on their hardhats, tie yellow caution tape across their doors, and lay out orange cones in the halls.  They will need to stand guard at the garbage cans, handing back papers that forgot where the ‘finished’ work basket is.

You have probably never been able to observe how kids clean out their desks.  They don’t take out their books and papers and lay them on top of their desks.  Oh no.  They reach their arms into their desks, pull everything out at the same time, and spread it all out on the floor like it’s their Halloween candy. 

If ever there be an emergency, we could sustain students for quite some time on all the lost bags of Cheetos, black bananas, and Smarties that will magical appear and also answer the question of  “What is that smell?” 

What a great time of year!

Lunch Menu for next week

  • Monday 21st -French toast/sausage patty
  • Tuesday 22nd – Burrito
  • Wednesday 23rd – Chicken Sandwich
  • Thursday 24th – Mini Corndogs/Mac – n- cheese
  • Friday – Pizza only – no chicken nuggets or cheese sandwich

Sprinkler Day Cancelled

I am sorry to have to inform students and families that we will be cancelling this year’s sprinkler day which was scheduled for Thursday, May 23rd of next week.  It is determined that the persistent rain forecast will not be favorable for an outside water activity for younger students.  Thank you for being understanding. 


I would like to personally thank Gary Terranova and the PTA for a FANTASTIC School Carnival!  I truly enjoyed the evening!  What a great event; the smells, the sounds, the sights, the fun!  I appreciate the hours and hours of hard work to help create such a great school community event!

The funds raised from this year's Spring Carnival will be used to help with the purchase of a digital marquee.  This is a project that may take a couple years to accomplish but we know that the marquee will help us prominently display and communicate our school mission and allow us to easily showcase and update important information, special announcements, or specific dates that are relevant to the Riverview community. 

On behalf of the Riverview students and teachers, I would also like to thank the PTA for their service during this 2018-2019 school year!  This work is very important to the experiences our children have at Riverview.  Your contributions provide the “something extra special” for the students.

Your work this year has resulted in some real successes.  These include: the Spring Carnival, Book Fairs, Red/Green Ribbon Week, White Ribbon Week, Art Show, Teacher Appreciation Week, Popcorn Fridays, BoxTops for Education Drives, Classroom Parties, SEP Dinners, Reflections Contest, and Parent Helpers in the classrooms!  The number of parents who were involved in activities this year is truly remarkable!  The true beneficiaries of your efforts are the students at Riverview!  Again, thank you for your efforts!


The yearbooks have arrived.  Books will be delivered next week to those who have purchased one. The PTA have ordered some extra books, BUT not a lot.  Yearbooks will be available in the office next week; $15 per book. 

Registration for 2019-2020

Elementary Online Registration will be made available on July 25th.  Elementary In-Person Registration for the Spanish Fork area will be July 30th.  We will have a school nurse and interpreter available at school to assist with immunization records and completion of the online forms.  All information is available at http://www.nebo.edu/registration.

Communication Options

Upcoming Events

  • May 17th – Last day of Kindergarten
  • May 20th – 1st & 2nd grade talent show 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • May 21st – 3rd & 4th grade talent show 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • May 22nd – 5th & 6th grade talent show 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • May 24th – Last day of school; closing flag ceremony at 8:45 a.m., dismissed at noon. 

Mrs. Angie Killian

Principal, Riverview Elementary