Kindergarten Pre-Registration

Submitted by angela.killian on

Kindergarten Pre-Registration is approaching.  This process will be different from past years.  Online pre-registration will open March 12th – March 23rd.  On Wednesday, March 21st, parents may come to the school.  The computer lab will be open to assist parents in the online pre-registration.   Please bring, on Wednesday, March 21st, a copy of proof of residency, a birth certificate and up-to-date vaccinations.  The following vaccines are required for students entering Kindergarten:

Second Grade Habitats

Submitted by alyssa.mathis on

Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Grant’s class have been learning about habitats, the animals that live there, and their adaptations to those habitats. They ended their unit with a presentation to the other 2nd grade classes and their parents to show what they have learned!  It was such a fun learning experience!

Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Grant